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Good day my friends I’m hoping today’s picture brings you a momentary distraction of utter barminess.    

In this incident above, yours out & about truly had chanced upon a thronged event of folks partaking in local festivities.   I mingled among the said throng and did leisurely nest my face in numerous candied treats.  Why I was having a ball and then I espied a vendor selling a multi coloured array of tethered inflatables and other desirable knick knackery.   I did harbour a sudden desire to partake in some jocular larks and burst a fine rubbery balloon and make all about leap from, startled, resulting effect.

So I did bite into the rubbery mass to bring about the desired hi-jinks but I must impart in the public interest that the consequential ‘balloon whip’ as I have termed the resulting effect, can viciously lacerate unsuspecting optical organs or bestow unsightly welts all about, an otherwise handsome visage, therefore a burst-by-bite is not recommended,unless executed on your fine behalf by another, half-witted, party.

Well I suddenly saw a multitude of scantily clad mad men looming towards yours, surely scarred, truly with apparent intent of some unpleasant inclination, therefore I did depart in haste to escape the vengeful pack who were soon upon my apparantly coveted and now trembling hide but would you believe one by one they did pass me by and I assumed with utter relief that the dunderheads did lay the blame on other shoulders so I picked a distant pair on whom to cast aspersion and did with no notion of conscience, well for now, it does always haunt and taunt me without fail but heck a dastardly deed had to be executed in order I might escape this packs wrath, so I did cry, there he goes, the bounder! there he his, look! See!. 

Well a flagging and therefore lagging participant in this thankfully, now-some-other-saps-blood-seeking, hunt did amble along my side and we did start to partake in congenial banter from which it transpired that yours, now feeling a total foolhardy duffer, was only partaking in why! a charity marathon, yes we are running 26 miles so pots of dollary dosh would be bestowed upon worthy charitable causes.  Well! yours, with the great big charitable heart, that non have a clue as to where it is harboured due to my lack of heart-housing anatomy, truly, did think without any delay, yes! I am all for helping underprivileged parties so did decide I would continue with a benevolent air of unselfish generosity.

Why the mood was jubilant and the route was thronged with more benevolence in the form of gratuitous beverages yes I was handed three sizable containers of refreshing fluids and ooops!  mistakenly took a fourth that was not on offer therefore viciously tugged back and forth between both, my confused but unrelenting and I must say the others selfish uncharitable state, and it did transpire it was of a considerable degree of temperature and did cover the selfish uncharitable cad in quite some entirety in instant kamic attack.

Well after what seemed like a painful eternity but was apparently 22 hours I and my lagging pal did cross the most welcome finish post and did join a bunch of fellow charitable trekkers in good budded banter and one inquisitive type did question yours, laughing along, trulyas to my own favoured cause, well my charitable heart was overflowing and I said "why! I think the I champion the homeless hobo tis abominable that some have no such comforting abode in such an advanced millennium, why yes lets house the hobos"

“What have you raised then”
“Raised, why! My charitable spirits, yes my spirits are so high I fear I will be in permanent euphoric state which will lead to thoughts that LemMe has turned doo lally tap if I go gadding about all loonied up like this“

“No,  how much have your earned ?”

“Sir my personal income is a private issue and I am appalled at your lack of common decency and embarrassed by your undue and far too inquisitive lack of tact”
“No! how much will you be giving”

“Well it depends what I get in return, there’s no sense in fiscal foolishness, why I gladly pay a dollar for a highly delicious edible treat, but if I pay ten dollars why I expect a banquet or a sporty piece of emblazoned headwear”

“No how much will you be giving to charity,  how much have you raised form this marathon, how many people sponsored your run, and promised you money so you so you might give to your favoured cause”

“ Sir! all these questions, none knew of my run why you are unduly branding me a braggart I told none why I only chanced on the event by accidental cause“.
“What you have just ran an entire marathon without any sponsors why you utter dunderhead, you freaky baffoon, you have raised no monetary gain for worthy cause”

Well yours, on whom it was suddenly becoming apparant, truly did, think it best to opt for my favoured social exit of feigned feint to curry favour and sympathy and did flop, and not without genuine fatigue, upon the floor making excruciating contact with an unnoticed rock and did lie in prone state fretting as I could feel blood trickling Nay! I swear spurting to from my brutally gashed head that was now no doubt filled with grub and bug riddled soil which was no doubt filled with tetanus which I could feel creeping Nay! rampantly ravaging about my internal system and it was without doubt going to lock my jaw and none would be able to benefit from my handsome display of exceptional dentistry oh my charitable act had uncharitably blighted my personable person and now I layed a diseased riddled state and I then did genuinley faint and have no further recall.


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