I had been conversing with
this, I thought quite choice and chummy winged couplet
when without
prior indication the female of the tawittawooy duo performed
an unashamed coquette and I need not swear on oath as the evidence is
transparent, directed the glad eye of woo at yours, discomforted, truly.
I felt
I had a male to male loyalty and so duly informed the
apparent indifferent other and was quite frankly quite perturbed with
the fact he was most definitely undisturbed.
Now fearing
shenanigans or worst the foisting off of a faded and faulty
love on to yours, conniving to depart, truly
I invented a
civil excuse, in the form of, why! was that the accursed time? well
I'll be seeing you I have to wash my unruly hair, In my
unsettled and impulsive state I had momentarily been unmindful of the
evidential truth that I did not indeed actually posses any of the
aforementioned hair. Hoping that both parties were as
oblivious to this fact as the male was to his traitorous mate, well
truth be told I didn’t give a hoot, and neither did
they, no not one twitatwoo and therefore I bid them adieu and
subsequently hightailed it out of the unsettling situation
most as glad was I to be on my way, away from the glad eye of
unrequited woo.